Welcome to this project in which I will reveal the most poorly regarded songs ever to reach the top ten of the Billboard Hot 100 pop singles chart. This is the music that was once very popular, but that is now generally hated by critics and listeners. I’ve already covered 75 of the supposed “worst” #1 hits on another blog, so here I will discuss only those songs that peaked in the #2 through #10 positions.
Why focus on the worst songs rather than the best? Because it gives us a chance to hear records that have been forgotten, and it’s a great opportunity to read humorously bad reviews. For a lucky few songs, it’s a chance at redemption.
I must emphasize that I don’t select my personal least favorite songs for inclusion here, though I often agree with the consensus opinion that these records are pretty bad. I will assign each song a rating from 1 to 10, and it’s possible that there won’t be any 10s. The 1s and 2s are more fun to discuss anyway.
If you like this project and want to read more of my writing, I suggest starting with my other free blog The Bad #1 Hits. The next stop would be my personal web site where I occasionally blog about other topics and promote the books I have available on Amazon. Aside from that last sentence, there are no for-profit ads, affiliate links, or popups here. Nothing will stand between you and the worst top ten hits in history.
Although the Hot 100 was first published in the summer of 1958, nobody really cares what happened before 1960. We’ll start there with the first entry in our Bad Top Ten Hits Hall of Fame.
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